Be a High Achiever in Corporate America
We live in an age where there is plenty of opportunity for professional success. All you need to do is to keep yourself engaged and productive. In summary, you need to know how to manage yourself. To manage yourself, you need to have a detailed understanding of yourself. To set criteria of knowing yourself for professional success, you need to find out the following
What are your most valuable strengths/terrible Weakness
Our assumptions about our strengths are generally wrong. Rather than relying on our own intuition, we need to pay attention to data. But not necessarily to HR feedback or your management feedback. It is through your self-feedback analysis.
Let me give you an example from my own professional life. I was starting a new project last year. I was not very familiar with the underlying technology. So I decided to create a spreadsheet of each decision I am making, when I am making it, the outcome column, the outcome checking deadline, and whether I consider the outcome a success.
So from the example spreadsheet, I figured out that whenever I am stuck with a new technical problem, if I think thoroughly about the fundamentals and create a skeleton tech first, then it leads me to success.