Should Supreme Court Decide on Roe Vs Wade?
The United States is all about freedom. That’s why colonists came to America. Hence the decision about abortion should be also about freedom. But the question is who is deciding?
Based on that we can tell whether we are getting a decision on the basic rights like what to do with our own body. So Should a man decide on what to do with a woman's body? Do men even properly understand what goes through a women's body when she goes through childbirth?
Currently, the Supreme court has 9 justices. Out of them 3 are females. To overturn a case, you need 5 votes. No matter how benevolent and understanding a male person is, they can never understand what a pregnant woman goes through during pregnancy.
So who should make the decision?
It should be decided by women and their doctors, not by the government. Fortunately, ABC News recently polled whether the decision to have an abortion should be left to the women or regulated by law.
70% of Americans say it should be left to the woman and her doctor, 24% said they should be regulated by law and 6% had no opinion.
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