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What is Route Network Definition File (RNDF) for Self Driving Car
One of the 4 core parts of a self Driving Car Software stack is Planning. And RNDF or Route Network Definition File is the first thing PLANNING uses.
An RNDF is a tab-delimited ASCII file. It basically defines the Roadsegments and Zones.
The typical format of an RNDF file looks like the following.
RNDF_name filename (string)
num_segments number_of_segments (integer>0)
num_zones number_of_zones (integer≥ 0)
format_version format_version (string)
creation_date creation_date (string)
<segment 1>
<segment M>
<zone M+1>
<zone M+N>
Just looking at the format, we can clearly see that the RNDF file contains details about segments and zones. Here is an example of the road segment
Now let’s look at the format of each segment. It should start making sense now
segment segment_id (integer>0)
num_lanes number_of_lanes (integer>0)